
Wel­come to Trend­set­ting Stables,

where your horse is as pre­cious to us as he (or she) is to you. We have been con­sumers of the board­ing indus­try for many years and strive to pro­vide the qual­i­ty of care and ser­vice that we want­ed to get for our­selves. We cater to the out­door board­er, and focus our les­son pro­gram on rid­ers that are inter­est­ed in pro­gress­ing to recre­ation­al lev­el competition.


For infor­ma­tion on lessons with Lara (on your own horse only), Rid­er lev­el eval­u­a­tions, judg­ing of small local shows, please con­tact Lara Ulan at trendsettingservicesinc@gmail.com or by phone at (780) 433‑1464.


For infor­ma­tion on Board­ing, les­son pro­gram, train­ing, site tours, sum­mer day camps, lessons on your own horse, please con­tact High­fly­er Eques­tri­an Ser­vices Ltd (Nikky Woods) at (780) 710‑6179.


Trend­set­ting Sta­bles is locat­ed at 53440 RR 214 — it is approx­i­mate­ly 15 min­utes east of Sher­wood Park, just north of high­way 16. For exact direc­tions please con­tact us to arrange a visit.



Excit­ing changes are com­ing our way in April 2025 — Nikky Woods is leas­ing the prop­er­ty from us and run­ning her programs/boarding busi­ness as an inde­pen­dent busi­ness! We have been work­ing togeth­er for sev­er­al years to get to this point, we are excit­ed to see Nikky take the next step on her jour­ney in this indus­try — please con­tact Nikky direct­ly for infor­ma­tion on the les­son pro­gram and board­ing options.