
2024 Day Camp Date is set!


July 15–19 

We will break the camp group into age and skill appro­pri­ate teams. We are well versed in teach­ing begin­ners all the way through to advanced com­pet­i­tive rid­ers, we will find the lev­el that suits your camper. If the July 15–19 camp fills up (12 rid­ers) we will open anoth­er camp up in August.


What will we do?

Campers will do a blend of rid­ing, horsemanship/theory, crafts and games. We will break the group into skill/age appro­pri­ate groups so we can make sure every­one gets a great horse week. We will do a full 1–1.5 hour long les­son each day, and then break the rest of the day up into oth­er activ­i­ties. Exam­ples of what we have done in the past includ­ed learn­ing about our tack, clean­ing the tack, learn­ing about var­i­ous horse care issues such as far­ri­er, vet, den­tal, feed, com­mon vices, com­mon ill­ness­es, braid­ing for shows, first aid, types of rid­ing… and any­thing else the campers want to learn about as it comes up. Crafts have includ­ed pic­ture frames, paint­ings, models/sculptures, bead­work, sewing projects — it all var­ied depend­ing on who was there that year. 

Rid­ing focus will depend on the skills of those in the camp — we hope to give expo­sure to the dif­fer­ent dis­ci­plines in rid­ing such as dres­sage, hunter, jumper, trails, work­ing equi­tation and western.

What is the cost?

Each 5 day long day camp is $500 per par­tic­i­pant. A deposit of $100 to hold the spot is required, and the full pay­ment is required 30 days pri­or to the first day of camp. If you need to can­cel your spot you can get a full refund if you tell us before the 30 days pri­or to camp start.

Who is run­ning the camp?

We have 2 instruc­tors run­ning the camps this year — Lara Ulan and Nikky Woods. There will also be sev­er­al vol­un­teers to help keep every­one safe and orga­nized. We split the groups up as need­ed to give the rid­ers a qual­i­ty rid­ing ses­sion, and to keep a low ratio of rid­ers to instructor.

What do I need to bring?

Par­tic­i­pants need to have ASTM approved rid­ing hel­mets, and a shoe with a small heel (1/2–1″ high) These can be pur­chased at Green­hawk’s in Edmon­ton, or any oth­er tack store in the area. Horse and Rid­er is in Sher­wood Park — we love to sup­port our local businesses!

Campers need to be AEF mem­bers — there is a sum­mer camp mem­ber­ship avail­able on the AEF web­site.
This mem­ber­ship can be upgrad­ed to full mem­ber­ship if you decide to con­tin­ue lessons after your camp.

Par­tic­i­pants should also bring their own lunch­es, snacks, and water bot­tles. If there are any aller­gies or required med­ica­tions we need to know those details, and par­tic­i­pants should bring those as well. You def­i­nite­ly need to bring your love of hors­es, enthu­si­as­tic atti­tude, and the open mind we all need to learn new information.

How do I sign up?

Please e‑mail us at, or phone/text Lara at (780) 433‑1464 to get started!