
General Philosophy:

Peo­ple and hors­es have lived with each oth­er for thou­sands of years, often to the detri­ment of the horse. At Trend­set­ting Sta­bles we want your horse to live the way it was meant to — room to move, lots of hay to nib­ble on all day (or pas­ture, sea­son depend­ing), and bud­dies to be hors­es with. Lessons are struc­tured to edu­cate about horse behav­iour, biol­o­gy, health, care, psy­chol­o­gy, and any­thing else that will impact the rela­tion­ship of the horse and rid­er. We feel that if you focus on what your horse is try­ing to tell you, and you learn how to talk to your horse, you will have a horse and rid­er team.

About Lara Ulan:

Lara is a NCCP (Nation­al Coach­ing Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Pro­gram) English/Jumping Com­pe­ti­tion Coach, Eques­tri­an Cana­da Licensed Coach, and a Learn to Ride Eval­u­a­tor cer­ti­fied to test up to Lev­el 8. The pro­grams are meant to cer­ti­fy instruc­tors and stan­dard­ize the skills that they have, as well as pre­pare the next gen­er­a­tion for their jour­ney in the eques­tri­an world as both com­peti­tors and pro­fes­sion­als. As a cer­ti­fied coach Lara has com­plet­ed the required Rid­er Lev­el exam­i­na­tions, First Aid cours­es, writ­ten exam, rid­ing exam, and coach­ing exam. To final­ize the Licensed Coach sta­tus required Safe Sport Train­ing, and Con­cus­sion pro­to­col train­ing. Lara has been teach­ing since 1996, cer­ti­fied since 2003, licensed in 2021.

As a younger rid­er Lara trained with Nan­cy Scrym­geour at The Farm, fol­low­ing the philoso­phies of Mark Laskin. The focus on cor­rect basic skills, build­ing a strong foun­da­tion of con­fi­dence in both horse and rid­er has fol­lowed through the years into what is taught in the pro­gram today. Rid­ing and train­ing is a sys­tem­at­ic devel­op­ment of skills, like build­ing a house. If the base­ment isn’t strong, it does­n’t mat­ter what is sit­ting on top of it!

Lara’s focus is in the Hunter/Jumper dis­ci­plines with a strong focus on accu­rate and cor­rect basic skills. Dres­sage maneu­vers are a large part of teach­ing both horse and rid­er about jump­ing. There is no pres­sure to jump – if a rid­er is not inter­est­ed in jump­ing or com­pet­ing, then it is sim­ply not required. Horse­man­ship is impor­tant to Lara – know­ing why hors­es do what they do, how we care for them, the biol­o­gy of the hors­es sys­tems, and how to use that knowl­edge to make horse and rid­er work togeth­er bet­ter – is real­ly the goal of any good rid­ing program.

Lara has had a few rid­ers show inter­est in Work­ing Equi­tation, and has dis­cov­ered that this new dis­ci­pline has many things to offer all horses!

As a Learn to Ride Eval­u­a­tor, Lara is avail­able to test rid­ers up to lev­el 8. If you are inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about this, please con­tact Lara through e‑mail or phone.

Lara feels that all hors­es are indi­vid­u­als with their own unique set of tal­ents and skills, with their own set of likes and dis­likes, and cer­tain­ly their own per­son­al­i­ties. Hors­es are gen­er­al­ly herd ani­mals that live on the move — they eat all day long, wan­der all day long and depend on the herd struc­ture for a sense of secu­ri­ty. At Trend­set­ting Sta­bles we pro­vide all three com­po­nents to help keep your horse hap­py, healthy and sound.