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Outdoor Board

$335/mth plus GST

2023/2024 hay fee is $60/horse per month

  • Group turnout into pad­docks or fields — per­son­al­i­ties will be matched to min­i­mize fric­tion — usu­al­ly based on feed needs (diet mares, diet geld­ings, free choice mares, free choice geld­ings) — indi­vid­ual fields avail­able as well.
  • Free choice hay in the win­ter, appro­pri­ate hay to add to pas­ture in the sum­mer. If pre­ferred, there are hand fed options as well.
  • Salt/Mineral licks, Free choice Water at all times
  • 3 Sided Shel­ters in all fields
  • Lock­er pro­vid­ed for all board­ers free of charge — you may bring a tack box if you pre­fer — we may need to lim­it this due to space restrictions
  • Access to all facil­i­ties (indoor and out­door are­nas, barn area, rid­ing around the property)
  • Hors­es will be visu­al­ly checked each day and own­er noti­fied if there are any injuries or dam­aged blankets
  • Board­ing Contract
  • Please note that all new board­ers will have a 14 day quar­an­tine time in an indi­vid­ual pen (no extra fee for this), if the horse is deemed healthy at that time they will be turned out with oth­ers. If any symp­toms of ill­ness are found we will length­en the quar­an­tine time — this is to pro­tect the new hors­es health, as well as that of the exist­ing boarders.
  • All new board­ers need to com­plete a horse pro­file and board­ing con­tract when they arrive.
  • NOTE TO NEW BOARDERS: We are using the pro­to­cols estab­lished by Alber­ta Agri­cul­ture on deworm­ing — we do annu­al fecal test­ing, then only treat hors­es with par­a­site loads high enough to be of con­cern. Once new hors­es are “clean” then we only require two deworm­ings a year instead of the tra­di­tion­al 4. This saves our hors­es get­ting unnec­es­sary chem­i­cals through their sys­tems, and also helps pre­vent the issue of par­a­sites that are resis­tant to our deworm­ers. Our results have been very good so far — our fecal test­ing has only had one or two hors­es show up with a sig­nif­i­cant par­a­site load, and invari­ably those are hors­es that have not lived with us for very long. Our spring dewormer is Exo­dus (a non-iver­mectin dewormer), our fall is either Quest of Noromectin.

Other Services

  • Far­ri­er or vet hold­ing — $20 nor­mal­ly — extreme­ly long times may be more (dis­cussed ahead of time)
  • Deworm­ing — $20 per time if using our sup­plies — rotat­ing dewormer used
  • Haul in fee for are­na use — $20 per horse per ride (please advise before arriv­ing so we can warn of any busy are­na times that day). Arrange­ments for month­ly use rates can be made for those want­i­ng to haul in reg­u­lar­ly at a reduced rate.
  • Trai­ler­ing — prices to be dis­cussed before trips are made
  • Show Help — $50 per day at show