
We have a fan­tas­tic line up of les­son hors­es to suit all lev­els of rid­ers and personalities.


Mon­key is still one of our favourites in the pro­gram – he does phe­nom­e­nal dres­sage and jumps like a grand prix horse. As he is get­ting old­er we are reduc­ing his work­load. Mon­key spe­cial­izes in the begin­ner lessons, with jump­ing up to about 2′3″. He stands at 15.2 hands high, but rides like 16.2 hands high. He was born May 2002 – he is a chest­nut and white pin­to, with a quar­ter horse/appaloosa/paint her­itage. Mon­key is the baby of one of our trea­sured les­son hors­es that has passed away — he will be ours until the day he dies. This pho­to was tak­en at the Sko­r­ry­brook show around 2007.


Doc 1

Doc 1 was born in May 2003. After our ini­tial prob­lems with Doc he has turned into a very will­ing and enthu­si­as­tic part­ner for his rid­ers. He has become the favourite to learn jumpig on — he knows his job so well that rid­ers can just focus on them­selves. He has a kind demeanor to go with his good looks – stand­ing at 16 hands high, very thick build, a nice red chest­nut with a blaze and lots of white on his legs. He is a breed­ing stock Paint – mean­ing that he has Paint par­ents, but no white splash­es on his body.



Can­dy has become an amaz­ing les­son pony. She jumps hon­est­ly and clean­ly, and packs the begin­ners as well as
doing more advanced rid­ers. She goes to shows and is the same pony as she is at home. She was born in 2006. She is a Welsh Pony (sec­tion B) — stand­ing at 13.2 hands high. She is a bay with a star. Can­dy has become an amaz­ing kids horse — she has set­tled in the barn and allows the younger kids to tack up all on their own, has a fan­tas­tic work eth­ic when under sad­dle, and is a calm and brave jump­ing pony. 



Grif­fin offi­cial­ly became ours Novem­ber 1, 2013. He is a doll to han­dle in the barn — he does­n’t have a mean bone in his body. We love that we could give this horse a sec­ond job that suits his excep­tion­al­ly per­son­able nature. He is a love­ly black thor­ough­bred with a neat white star and stripe on his face. Grif­fin has devel­oped into an absolute doll of a les­son horse — he can pack young rid­ers or move up to the more expe­ri­enced ones — not much phas­es this guy. We look for­ward to see­ing him grow into an old horse with us.


Wil­low is anoth­er off the track thor­ough­bred, born in 2006, and knows every­thing! She is a treat to have for lessons as she can teach the rid­ers mov­ing up in their skills what they are aim­ing for. She is a very pret­ty red chest­nut mare with a neat nar­row blaze. She lived here for sev­er­al years pre­vi­ous­ly, then her own­er moved to Cal­gary, and has now returned. She is work­ing with the most expe­ri­enced les­son rid­ers that are able to man­age some speed and chal­lenge learn­ing how to do fly­ing lead changes.


Ton­to came to us as an 8 month old wean­ling. He was a typ­i­cal tod­dler, exper­i­ment­ing with the world by putting it all in his mouth. He was born in 2014 and may nev­er mature. He is the goofi­est per­son­al­i­ty… the class clown of the barn. He is a 14.2hh, grey and white pin­to, with a welsh pony/paint her­itage. He has an amaz­ing jump­ing style, with a few unortho­dox ten­den­cies — he teach­es rid­ers how to “slip the reins” so they don’t pull on him going over jumps. Not all rid­ers enjoy him, but those that do are in love!


Sarge orig­i­nal­ly came to us as a lease for lessons. He is such an incred­i­bly kind soul, with so many great skills that we had to have him when his own­er said she was mulling over sell­ing him. We bought him in March 2021, and will be hon­oured to be his final home. Born in 2011, he is a Sol­id Paint, bay with fan­cy blaze and blue eyes. He is a nice size — around 15.3 hh. 


Prince was a res­cue in 2015 at 3 months old. He has grown up into a sweet soul, will­ing to crawl into ours laps if we let him. He is start­ing to par­tic­i­pate in lessons now. We are keep­ing him to flat work for now — he has been a super­star with his new job. He is around 15 hh, red dun in colour, with a neat stripe/blaze. He is also a Sol­id Paint. It appears I like the Paints…


Tay is a straw­ber­ry roan/appaloosa born in 2010. She is a large pony at 14.2 hh even, with a phe­nom­e­nal way of mov­ing and jump­ing. She is a spicy lit­tle mare, for our advanced rid­ers only. 


One more pony — Pedro was born in late 2019, black with a white star and stripe. He is like­ly to mature around 12–13 hh. He was unhan­dled when he came and is now foot broke, hal­ter broke, has had a sad­dle on, and is learn­ing how to lunge. He is ready to get start­ed, we are excit­ed to see his progress!


Stompy is our don­key that came with anoth­er horse dur­ing a mar­i­tal break up. He was born in 2006 — we have recent­ly learned that don­keys are quite long lived, and we prob­a­bly need to incor­po­rate him into our will… He has taught the bea­gle (in less than 1/2 hour!!!!!) that we do not go into Stompy’s pen if we are 4 legged preda­tors. The bound­ary is very clear, and both dogs have quick­ly learned that it is best to abide by Stompy’s rules. Stompy is very friend­ly and likes scratch­es, he makes a fun­ny par­tial-bray when it is feed­ing time. He calls to the house when his bale feed­er is get­ting low. Stompy loves atten­tion and will come to the fence if any­one looks like they may give him a scratch. He enjoys play­ing with the thor­ough­breds — there is always some­one goofy enough the group to give Stompy some­thing to do!


Quid is a neat Ten­nessee walker/Quarter horse cross. He has a west­ern back­ground and is best work­ing in flat and west­ern lessons. He is start­ing to jump, but it isn’t his favourite past time. He is a 1/2 time les­son horse, so only those lucky enough to be on his les­son days will get to try him.


Pineap­ple is a bay thor­ough­bred with a star and snip. She is a fan­tas­tic addi­tion to our pro­gram, hav­ing the skills of a show horse with the per­son­al­i­ty to teach rid­ers ready to step up. She is about 14 years old as of 2024. 


Road­ie is a bay appen­dix with a snip and he stands at 15.3hh. He is learn­ing how to jump, so he is for our advanced rid­ers to learn how to teach a horse new skills/a new job. He is around 9 years old, and he joined our crew in 2023. He is also a half time les­son horse.


Buzz is new to our pro­gram as of May 2024, Updates will come as we get to know him!


Mol­ly is new to our pro­gram as of May 2024, updates will come as we get to know her!