
We don’t want to come across as being barn-Nazis, but we do expect our facil­i­ty users to observe some basic com­mon sense rules when work­ing around the barn – in order to ensure that there are no mis­un­der­stand­ings of our expec­ta­tions, please observe the fol­low­ing rules when work­ing in the facility…

  1. Clean up your groom­ing area after you fin­ish (both before you go into the are­na, and after
    you turn your horse out). Oth­ers need to use that space when you are gone!
  2. Poop­er scoop the are­na, barn, and all path­ways out­side after your horse. Buck­ets and forks are avail­able in the barn area.
  3. Report any dam­age you see.
  4. Be respect­ful of oth­er users of the facil­i­ty – gen­er­al cour­tesy applies everywhere!
  5. No swear­ing of any kind – it is not nec­es­sary to swear in order to com­mi­cate, and we have many small chil­dren around the prop­er­ty as stu­dents, not to men­tion my own kids.
  6. Clean up your groom­ing area after you fin­ish (both before you go into the are­na, and after you turn your horse out). Oth­ers need to use that space when you are gone.
  7. No smok­ing in the barn or are­na area – if you need to smoke please do so in the park­ing area.
  8. All rid­ers wear ASTM approved rid­ing hel­mets and shoes with a heel, every time you are on a horse – no exceptions.
  9. Please observe stan­dard are­na eti­quette. If you are unsure what that means we can edu­cate you on the details.
  10. Lessons have the right of way – how­ev­er all attempts are made to ensure les­son stu­dents under­stand and fol­low are­na eti­quette as well.
  11. Please do not lunge in the are­na if there are 3 or more hors­es being rid­den – and if you are intend­ing to lunge con­sult the oth­er rid­ers that it is okay with them. Some hors­es do not tol­er­ate the pres­ence of a lung­ing horse well.
  12. Absolute­ly no jump­ing with­out a cer­ti­fied instruc­tor present – you may use poles and ele­vat­ed pole.
  13. Please put away all equip­ment that you use when you are fin­ished riding.
  14. In case of a rid­er fall, or a loss of con­trol of a horse, all rid­ers in the are­na turn into the mid­dle and STOP what they are doing. Assess the sit­u­a­tion and call for help if need­ed. Only when both horse and rid­er are under con­trol and deemed alright should you con­tin­ue your ride.
  15. Do not wear any devices that block your hear­ing while work­ing around hors­es (any form of ear phones) – we have a radio that you can plug your devices in to lis­ten to when you ride.
  16. No alco­hol or drugs permitted.
  17. You may not ride, be around hors­es or the are­na if intox­i­cat­ed or under the influ­ence of drugs.
  18. Gen­er­al­ly – Be Safe, and Have Fun!!!!